Research funding applications

Travel grants (for Faculty doctoral research staff)

Description and objective

Travel grants for doctoral research staff of the Faculty to attend conferences or schools or for short stays at research centres. The grants are for a maximum of €500 for travel within Europe and €1000 for travel outside Europe. Each applicant can apply for a maximum of €1000 per year. The aim of these grants is to encourage the participation of the Faculty's research staff in scientific meetings and scientific collaboration between different centres.

Members of national or international projects are excluded from these travel grants, unless there are duly justified reasons that prevent the activity to be financed by the project in question. Priority will also be given to researchers who do not have access to other sources of funding.


Applications for these grants will be evaluated by the Research and Doctoral Committee in accordance with the criteria it establishes. Applications will be assessed and grants awarded three times a year, coinciding with the meetings of the Research and Doctoral Committee. The approximate dates of these meetings are in the first half of April, first half of July and second half of November.

Funding request form

Applicant details

Travel data and purpose

Economic data of the application

(Up to € 500 in Europe and up to € 1000 outside Europe)

Detail of the planned expenses:


Documentation to be attached

  • In case of school, course or research stay
    Document of invitation or acceptance
    Attach file
  • In case of a congress:
    Invitation or acceptance document for a communication or presentation
    Attach file
    Program of the congress
    Attach file
  • Approximate budget
    Attach file