Optional credits and Credits Recognition

Credits recognition

There are subjects from both degrees that you do not have to take if you are in the double itinerary: they are recognized through the equivalency tables stipulated according to their contents and competences.

In the following tables, the subjects of the left column are taken in the double itinerary, while the ones on the right are recognized in each of the simple degrees.

End-of-Degree Projects

The regulation of official university studies establishes that all degrees have to include, at the end of the studies, the elaboration and defense of a End-of-Degree Project. In the case of the double itinerary Degree in Mathematics – Degree in Computer Science, it is allowed that the student develops only one project, compatible for both degrees.

VIsit, for example: link


  1. Credits recognition has to be sollicited in the office of the faculty when all the scores are in the academic record, preferably of the last course.
  2. However, to have a right to extraordinary evaluation applications (article 15.3 of the corresponding regulation) you have to ask for the recognition when you finish the penultimate year of the itinerary. Visit this link for the deadlines and dates of the applications.
  3. On the other hand, the previous tables contemplate more compulsory or optional credits recognition than necessary (42 for Mathematics, 30 for Computer Science). The student has to explicitly indicate which subjects he wants to have recognized in the application.
  4. Once the resolution of the recognition is obtained, there cannot be solicited a modification of it.