Dr. Joan Elias Garcia

Phd in mathematics from the Universitat de Barcelona. Professor of algebra of the Universitat de Barcelona. Head of the editorial committee of the RSME-Springer collection. General Editor of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española. Member of the Publications Committee of the European Mathematical. Society. Evaluator of several scientific agencies: ANEP , AGAUR, NSA, NSF, NWO. Past public service: Vice-president of the Universitat de Barcelona, 2008- 2010. Secretari General del Consell Inter-Universitari de Catalunya. General direction of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 2006 Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics of the Universitat de Barcelona, 1996-2002.

Grup de recerca

- Àlgebra Combinatoria

- Àlgebra commutativa

- Algebra Computacional

Línies de recerca

- Algebra Commutativa

- Algebra Computacional

Activitats docents

- Algebra Commutativa

- Àlgebra de computadors

- Singularities of algebraic varieties





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