Dr. Ricardo Marques

I have received my BSc degree in Informatics (2007) and MSc degree in Informatics (2009) from University of Minho, Portugal, after which I worked as a researcher in real-time global illumination in the same university. I have joined INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, France) and the FRVSense team as a PhD student in the fall 2010 under the supervision of Professor Kadi Bouatouch. In my PhD thesis, I have focused on spherical integration methods applied to light transport simulation. I have defended my PhD thesis in the fall 2013 and joined the Mimetic INRIA research team as a research engineer in 2014, where I worked in the field of Crowd Simulation. From fall 2016 to summer 2020 I worked in the Interactive Technologies Group (GTI) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) as a postdoc, first supported by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship on the topic of Bayesian Monte Carlo Rendering, and then as Professor Lector. In June 2020 I have joined the Universitat de Barcelona as Professor Lector Serra Húnter (tenure track). Web personal: https://ricjm.github.io/

Grup de recerca

- Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the University of Barcelona

Línies de recerca

- Computer Graphics

- Crowd Simulation

- Light Transport Simulation

- Machine Learning Applied to Light Transport Simulation

- Monte Carlo Methods

Activitats docents

- Computer Graphics and Data Visualization

- Image Processing

- Programació II

- Software Design





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