Dra. Petia Ivanova Radeva

I did my undergraduate study at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, at 1989. In 1991 I moved to Spain where in 1993 I presented my Master at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in the field of Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. In 1996, I received my Ph.D. degree from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Currently, I’m Head of Barcelona Perceptual Computing Laboratory (BCNPCL) at the University of Barcelona and Head of Medical Imaging Laboratory (MILab) of Computer Vision Center (www.cvc.uab.es). My present research interests are on development of learning-based approaches for computer vision and image processing. Some of the recent projects I’m currently leading or participate are: Can a monitorizing wearable camera help change our lifestyle?, Machine learning tools for large scale object recognition, Audience measurements by Computer Vision, Evaluation of Intestinal Motility by Endoluminal Image Analysis, Sponsored Research Agreement on Automatic Stent Detection in IVUS, Study for the development of a polyp detection algorithm under a Polyp Detection, etc.

Prof. Petia Radeva is a Full professor at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), PI of the Consolidated Research Group “Computer Vision and Machine Learning” at the University of Barcelona (CVUB) at UB (www.ub.edu/cvub) and Senior researcher in Computer Vision Center (www.cvc.uab.es). She was PI of UB in 6 European, 3 international and more than 30 national projects devoted to applying Computer Vision and Machine learning for real problems like food intake monitoring (e.g. for patients with kidney transplants and for older people). Petia Radeva is a REA-FET-OPEN vice-chair since 2015 on, and international mentor in the Wild Cards EIT program since 2017.

She is an Associate editor of Pattern Recognition journal (Q1) and International Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Q2). Petia Radeva has been awarded IAPR Fellow since 2015, ICREA Academia assigned to the 30 best scientists in Catalonia for her scientific merits since 2015, received several international awards (“Aurora Pons Porrata” of CIARP, Prize “Antonio Caparrós” for the best technology transfer of UB, etc). She supervised 18 PhD students and published more than 100 SCI journal publications and 250 international chapters and proceedings, her Google scholar h-index is 44 with more than 7000 cites and WOS h-index: 79. Webgrec: https://webgrec.ub.edu/webpages/000006/cat/petia.ivanova.ub.edu.html Personal Homepage: http://www.ub.edu/cvub/petiaradeva/

Grup de recerca

- Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the University of Barcelona

Línies de recerca

- Computer Vision

- Egocentric vision

- Food Analysis

- Lifelogging

- Machine Learning

- Medical Image Analysis

Activitats docents

- Batchelor study on Computer Science (Subject on Computer Vision)

- Master in Artificial Intelligence (Subject Computational Vision)

- Master in Biomedical engineering (Subject on Advanced Medical Imaging)





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