Regarding Internships

General information Regarding Internships


In order to be able to comply with what is indicated in Royal Decree- Law 2/2023, of 16 March regarding the registration of students on internships in companies to Social Security:

  1. Internships must be managed in all cases 15 days in advance
  2. The GIPE will automatically cancel projects that have not been signed the day before the start of the internship and all management will have to be started again
  3. The student must put his NUSS ( Social Security Number ) in his GIPE profile
  4. Within a course, internships cannot start before September 20, nor end after September 11 of the following year, which is when the academic year ends.
  5. During the duration of the internship, the degree title cannot be requested


They are part of the study plans of the degrees and appear in the academic report.

Students can obtain a maximum of 12 credits ECTS for completing the internship.


No more credits can be registered than the maximum number of credits set by the permanence regulations for each course. If you do more hours of internship that involve exceeding this maximum number of credits, you will not be able to enroll in the same course. ( Remember that the students of the mathematics degree and the computer engineering degree need authorization to be able to register more than 60 credits per year and up to a maximum of 78 credits per year). Registration for internships is not done by automatic registration, it is done from the SED.

curricular internships can be done on vacation, if the agreement and the training project are duly signed before May 31st, which is when the second semester courses are closed.


For every 240 hours, you get 6 optional credits. To this end, after signing the agreement with the Company, you must enroll in one of the following subjects:

  • Internships in company I, for the first 240 hours of internships.
  • Internships in company II, for the second 240 hours of internships.
  • Internships in a company III (only for the Computer Engineering degree), for 480-hour contracts.

Once you have all the documentation processed and signed, including the training project, from the Secretariat we will enroll the subject or subjects of internships in a company. If the internships end before January 15th, they will be enrolled in the first semester, except for those that begin after November 25th, which will be enrolled in the second semester. The rest of the internships will be enrolled in the second semester


To properly study the chosen subject of Internships in a company, you must consult the virtual campus of the same. There are the steps to be taken and the necessary documents to complete the self-report, the report and the company’s internship report, which must be completed at the end of the curricular internships. These documents can be found on the virtual campus of the enrolled subject.

The company tutor must send the completed and signed report electronically to .


  • They do not form part of the study plan or appear in the academic file.
  • Although undergraduate students should have passed at least half of the credits of the degree, in the case of non-curricular internships, the general regulations of the UB allow exceptions (additional clause one).
  • The maximum number of hours per academic year is 750 hours. If approved by the Degree Council or the Master’s Coordination, they may be extended up to a total of 900.
  • In any case, the maximum number of hours that can be completed per qualification is 1500 hours .
  • extracurricular internships can be done on vacation, if the agreement and the training project are properly offered to the GIPE by the company before July 14 .


In application of RD 2/2023 about the inclusion of students who carry out external academic internships in the Social Security System,

It is mandatory you enter in the GIPE your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (NUSS) in the menu tab: “El meuCV”. 



If I don’t have NUSS how can I get it?



Degree students must have completed at least half of their degree’s credits and must be enroled in the Faculty. In the case of double itineraries the number of credits earned must be 180. 

Master’s degree students must have earned 15 credits and must be enroled in the Faculty. It must be authorized by the  coordinator




Students younger than 28 already have a compulsory insurance included in the payment of the tuition fees. Older students must pay for optional insurance during registration, for about 8€/semester.




– The maximum is of 5 hours in lesson period and 8 in non-lesson period.

– The completion of the internships follows the academic year, from September 15th to next year’s September 14th. The formative project ends on September 14th.




– Students must receive a minimum gross import of 8€ per hour.

– The economic compensation to the Faculty is handled via invoice. Its import is of 10% + VAT of the total remuneration of the student and will not be less than 100€ nor greater than 500€.

– The Employer pays directly to the student the remuneration agreed on in the formative project.

– No new agreement will be established with any Employers that have pending invoices.




Employers have the obligation to include in the Social Security regime all students with which an agreement is formalized since July 1st 2013.

The curricular internships have a subsidy of 100% since August 1st 2014.




Faculty agreement:

Of the UB:



RD 1493/2011, of October 24th, regulating the terms and conditions of inclusion in the Social Security General Regime for persons participating in formative programmes.

RD-LEY 8/2014, of July 14th, approving urgent measures for the growth, competitiveness and efficiency. See the 25th additional disposition relative to the subsidies in social security contributions for curricular external internships of university students and professional formation.


Administrative management of internships

Oficina de Pràctiques de la Secretaria d’Estudiants I Docència:

Phone 93 402 09 71

Assessment of curricular and non curicular internships 

  • Coordinating teaching staff of curricular internships:
Computer Engineering – Simone Balocco  Mathematics– Carme Florit
  • Coordinating teaching staff of  non curricular internships (head of studies and coodinator) :
Computer Engineering- Sergio Escalera Mathematics– Jordi Pau
Master Advanced Mathematics- Xavier Massaneda Master Data Science- Jordi Vitrià



Before starting the internship:

  • The Framework Agreement (GIPE).
    It must be  signed by the Employer and the Faculty.
    It has duration of 4 years, extendable to 4 additional years.
  • The Formative Project (GIPE).
    It must be  signed by the Employer, the Faculty and the Student.

In case of resignation during internships:

  • Resignation/rescission form (Download model).
    It must be completed by the student/Employer and signed by both.

In case of having to modify the Formative Project:

The specific documentation for non curricular internships can be found at the Campus Virtual of the Pràctiques en empresa subject: self-report, internship dossier and employer’s report of the internship.





  1. The Employer signs up to the software GIPE if not already registered, and publishes an internship offer in the same application:
  2. When the Employer finds an interested student, they  communicate to the Oficina de Pràctiques.

In the internship offer the company or institution will have to detail the following : 

  • Description of the work to be done by the student:
    • Objectives of the activity 
    • Description and duration (phases of the work plan):
      • Prior and preparatory activities (consultation of rules, manuals books, etc.)
      • Calculations, simulations, programming, drawings, etc. which student will have to perform
      • Resources to use (software, machines, lavs, etc.)
    • Modality (face-to-face, virtual or combination of face-to-face and virtual)
  • Specific knowledge that the student must have
  • Training that the student will acquire doing this work
  • Planned form of follow-up and guidance to the student in carrying out the work



  1. The Student contacts with an Employer to do an internship. These can be found by consulting the published offers in GIPE, or by other means.
  2. When accessing GIPE, the proper call must be selected. By default, the current academic year is selected. Enter by clicking PREINSCRIPCIÓ.
  3. The Student completes their resume/CV in GIPE and chooses the desired internships from the published offers. Each Employer is notified about the students choosing their offers and can see their CVs.
  4. When there is an agreement between an Employer and a Student to start an internship, the Student processes the Application form 




  1. Once the Application by the student and the offers by the Employer are received, the Oficina de Pràctiques processes the Framework Agreement and the Formative Project in PDF and sends them for the Employer to sign.
  2. Once those are signed by the Employer, Faculty and Student, the internship can begin, taking account of the conditions and project agreed upon.




  1. The student registers the elective subject of Pràctiques en Empresa for the semester in which it has been agreed to its completion. Thus, they can be assessed for the subject at the end of the registered term: early February or July.
  2. Once the internship has finished, the student processes by means of the Campus Virtual the self-report and internship dossier.
  3. The Employer sends the Oficina de Pràctiques their report, elaborated by the mentoring personal.
  4. At the end of the semester, the coordinating teaching staff assesses the internship, taking into account the reports and the dossier, and grades them in the subject record so that they show up in the student’s record.



The student presents the resignation/rescission form signed by the Employer and the student to the Oficina de Pràctiques.



What is GIPE? How can I update my personal details? Where can I find placement offers?


GIPE is the app where placements are advertised and the corresponding paperwork is processed. You can access GIPE by using your UB login details, as long as you are enrolled for the current academic year.

You can update the sections on education, languages, work experience, etc.

To update some of your personal details, such as your email or phone number, you need to take the following two steps: first, ask the Faculty Secretary to amend your personal details; second, write to Please include in your email your full name, NIUB and that you would like to have your personal details updated in GIPE.

Other websites to find placement offers

  • Via specialized websites, LinkedIn, etc.
  • By contacting directly with the company where you would like to do your placement.

Once your placement is confirmed, the host company will request your placement via GIPE.


What are the requirements to do a placement?


  • You must be enrolled for the current academic year in a University of Barcelona degree course at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. Your enrolment must not be officially suspended because of non-payment, your academic record must not be complete, and you must not have already requested the issue of your degree certificate.
  • Bachelor’s degree students can take placements as long as they have completed 120 credits of their total degree programme. In the case of a dual degree, 180 credits are needed.
  • Master’s degree or postgraduate students: placements must be authorized by the programme coordinators.


Curricular placements: What are they? How do I enrol? How are they assessed?


Curricular placements are optional courses in your curriculum that allow you to earn credits. They are intended to complement the knowledge acquired through your studies. The tasks you carry out during the placement must therefore be related to your studies.


Enrolment takes place outside the normal enrolment period and cannot be completed online. Enrolment takes effect once you have all the documentation completed and signed (agree,emt and training project)and beore  you have started the placement.


To carry out the placement correctly, please consult the specific information page in the Virtual Campus and in the teaching plan of the subject published on the web . There you will find all the steps to take and the required documents to complete the self-assessment report, the diary and the host company’s report. All these must be completed when you finish your placement.

The company’s internship report must be signed electronically and the company’s tutor must send it to


Non-curricular placements: What are they?


Non-curricular placement do not form part of your course curriculum and are intended to help with your professional development and employment prospects.


What is an agreement? What is a training programme?


The educational cooperation agreement that governs an external work placement is an agreement signed by the faculty and the company that will host the student. It lasts 4 years and it can be renewed for a further 4 years.

The placement programme is an agreement between the student, the faculty and the company. It states the particular conditions for the placement and is linked to the over-arching agreement previously signed between the faculty and company.Please bear in mind that the programme does not constitute a contract of employment and follows specific regulations for placements.

Students cannot begin their placements until the programme has been signed by all parties and activated in GIPE.


What are the steps to process a placement?



Two situations can arise:

  1. The company has no candidate: It creates a user profile in GIPE if it does not already have one, and it publishes a placement offer. When the company chooses a candidate for the placement, it notifies the Placements Office.
  2. The company has a candidate:It creates an offer in GIPE, specifying who the candidate is and whether the placement is curricular or non-curricular.


In the list of CURRICULAR placements the company/institution must specify the following:

  • Description of the tasks to be undertaken by the student:
    • Aims of the tasks
    • Description and duration of the different stages in which the work plan is divided:
      • Preparatory activities (reading regulations, handbooks, books, etc.)
      • Operations, computer simulation, programming, etc. the student will carry out
      • Resources the student will use (software, machines, labs, etc.)
    • Mode (in-person, online or mixed)
  • Required knowledge
  • Knowledge to be acquired by the student during the placement
  • Student monitoring and guidance system for the placement




  1. The student contacts a company to express an interest in carrying out a placement. Placement offers can be viewed in GIPE or found elsewhere.
  2. When logging in to GIPE, it is important to choose the right call for applications. The current call for applications appears by default. Enter by clicking on PRE-ENROLMENT.
  3. Students fill in their CV and choose the placements they are interested in from all the offers available. Each company is informed of the students that have chosen one of their offers and can review their CV.

When an agreement to start a placement has been reached between a company and a student, the student sends the completed application form




  1. Once the offer and student’s documentation have been received, the Placements Office processes the agreement and a signature is now requested.
  2. The student, the company and the faculty will receive an email with instructions on how to sign via GIPE.
  3. Once the agreement has been signed by the company, the student and the faculty, the placement status will appear as ACTIVE in GIPE. Students cannot begin the placement until the status is ACTIVE in GIPE.



How do I sign the documentation with SignaSuite UB?


Via the SignaSuite UB app, students can sign pdf and xml documents with all the legal and technical guarantees stipulated by the current regulations from the Catalan public administration. Files must not be larger than 7MB.


How long can a placement last for? How many hours can I do per day?


Curricular placements: Students can be awarded 12 credits for undertaking a placement.

For every 240 hours, students earn 6 optional credits. To do so, and once the placement programme has been signed, Secretary enrol the student in one of the following subjects:

  • In-Company Placement I, for the first 240 hours of the placement.
  • In-Company Placement II, for the second 240 hours of the placement.
  • In-company placement III (only for the bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering), for 480-hour agreements.

Students can do 5 hours maximum per day or 25 hours per week. Placement hours must be always compatible with the rest of courses in which students are enrolled. Review your CHRONOS. Extraordinarily, students can do 8 hours per day maximum, but PRIOR AUTHORIZATION MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE COORDINATOR.

  • These hours should be completed outside the designated teaching period in the faculty’s academic calendar: holidays and exam periods.

Extra-curricular placements: The maximum number of hours per academic year is 750. If students obtain approval from the Student Council or the programme coordinators of their master’s degree, the placement can be extended to 900 hours. In any case, the maximum number of hours that can be completed  is 1500 hours.

Although students are required to have passed at least half of the total credits in their degree, this does not apply to extra-curricular placements (UB general regulations, additional clause 1).

Students can do 5 hours maximum per day or 25 hours per week. Placement hours must be always compatible with the rest of courses in which students are enrolled. Review your CHRONOS. Extraordinarily, students can do 8 hours per day maximum, but PRIOR AUTHORIZATION MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE COORDINATOR:

  • These hours should be completed outside the designated teaching period in the faculty’s academic calendar: holidays and exam periods.


How can I amend details in the placement programme? How can I terminate a placement programme?



Students can amend details in the placement programme, such as the mentor in the company, the placement hours, unexpected holidays, incidental travel costs, study grant, ending date, etc.

The type of placement (curricular or non-curricular) and the total number of hours CANNOT be amended.

If a student wishes to change either of these aspects of the placement, the training programme will be terminated and a new one will be processed with no retroactive effect (the start date will be the date on which the new conditions come into effect).

For any amendment, a request must be sent by email to prà


To terminate a training programme before its due date a notice of termination must be sent as soon as possible. It must be completed and signed by the company and the student with an official digital certificate or with SignaSuite UB.

The notice of termination must state the last day of placement, the total number of hours completed one by the student, and the reasons for the cancellation.

For a curricula placement, the placement can be only assessed if the minimum required hours have been done. (If the minimum number if hours has not be completed, the descriptive grade “absent” will be awarded.


Do I need an insurance to carry out a placement?


A policy must be taken out to cover health, accidents, civil liability and repatriation.

Students under 28 years old and enrolled in official degree programmes purchase compulsory student insurance when they enrol every year, which provides the necessary coverage.

Students aged 28 or over and those enrolled in UB-specific degree programmes must purchase voluntary insurance at the time of enrolment or take out their own policy later.


Is there a minimum financial consideration that companies must pay to placement students?


A compulsory minimum of €8/hour )gross) should be paid in the form of a study grant. This will be specified in the placement programme. The company pays the student directly.

Financial consideration equivalent to 10% (+VAT) of the student’s total remuneration
will be paid to the UB/faculty, which may not be less than €100 or more than €500. The UB will issue an invoice for the corresponding amount.

Companies with outstanding payments may not enter into new placement agreements.


Do I need to register for social security payments when I carry out a placement? Are my payments subject to Spanish income tax (IRPF)?


Students who undertake a placement must be registered with the national social security system and pay the corresponding taxes, according to the existing terms and deductions in legislation.