Configuration of classrooms

1. Each computer in the classroom has a local disk where data is volatile.

2. Each computer can be initialized in Windows 7 or Linux. When you turn on the computer you can choose the option you want. By default, if you do not select anything, it starts in Linux.

3. In order to enter the Windows and Linux sessions, a code and a key (equal in both systems) are needed. All students (new and old) will enter the sessions with a user and a password.

– User: is the prefix of the mail address of the ub of the student followed by “.alumnes”. For example, if the student Pepet Pla Miró has the mail address UB, his username in classrooms will be pplamir.alumnes. For teachers to enter the classrooms, they must use the user of the UB mail address (even if you do not use it to read the mail).
– Code: The code of the student of the MonUB (included in the registration form) or the password of the Teaching Area by the professors.
4. When entering Linux, a temporary home folder is created. This folder is VOLATIL and is deleted every morning.

5. In Windows, a local disk (C : ) is available for data that is temporary for a specific session. There is a local disk (D : ) where you can save the data between different sessions but it is visible to all users entering that computer.