Academic calendar

COURSE 2024-25


4-10 September Online registration period
16 September First day of class
20 September Deadline to modify the registration (with fee payment back)
23-24 September Holiday
31 October Online form with advisor and provisional title MFP (January’s call)
1 November Holiday
6 December Holiday
20 December Deadline to inform the defence of the MFP on January’s call
20 December Last day of class (1st semester)
23 December to 7 January Christmas break
9 January Master’s Final Projects upload deadline (January call)
8-17 January Exams period
20-24 January Master’s Final Projects (January call): Oral presentations



3-7 February Enrolment 2nd semester
10 February First day of class
28 February Online form with advisor and provisional title MFP (June call)
19 March Matefest/Infofest (no class)
12 April -21 April Easter break
22 April No class
23 April Holiday (Saint George)
1 May Holiday
2 May No class
23 May Deadline to inform the defence of MFP on June call
30 May Last day of class
2-13 June Exams period
13 June Master’s Final Projects upload deadline (June call)
25 June-4 July Master’s Final Projects (June call): Oral presentations



COURSE 2025-26


3-10 September Online registration period
15 September First day of class
19 September Deadline to modify the registration (with fee payment back)
24 September Holiday
31 October Online form with advisor and provisional title MFP (January’s call)
8 December Holiday
19 December Deadline to inform the defence of the MFP on January’s call
19 December Last day of class (1st semester)
22 December to 7 January Christmas break
9 January Master’s Final Projects upload deadline (January call)
12-23 January Exams period
26-30 January Master’s Final Projects (January call): Oral presentations



2-5 February Enrolment 2nd semester
9 February First day of class
27 February Online form with advisor and provisional title MFP (June call)
9-27 March Easter break
23 April Holiday (Saint George)
1 May Holiday
22 May Deadline to inform the defence of MFP on June call
25 May No class
29 May Last day of class
1-12 June Exams period
12 June Master’s Final Projects upload deadline (June call)
22 June-3 July Master’s Final Projects (June call): Oral presentations