Study councils


Director of Studies Jordi Pau Plana ( (Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica)
Secretary Maria Carme Florit Selma
Department of Mathetmatics and Computer Science Enrique Casanovas Ruiz-Fornells Ignasi Mundet i Riera
Carlos d’Andrea  Albert  Clop Ponte
Department of Physics of Condensed Matter Ferran Macià

Representatives of students

Julia Sihe Mico Alonso Victor Alarcon Guerri
Arnau Carnice Rey Maria Ines Areosa Vega
Manuel Arranz Sancho Berta Homs Bastardas
Eduardo Fabian Martirena Mateo

Administration and services staff

Elisa Gutiérrez Moreno
Director of Studies Sergio Escalera Guerrero ( (Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica)
Secretary Eloi Puertas Prats (Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica)
Teacher Representatives
Department of Mathematics and Computing  Nahuel Statuto Xavier Baró
Vincent Pilaud
Department of Engineering: Electronic Section Manuel López de Miguel
Department of Private Law Chantal Moll de Alba Lacuve
Representatives of Students Gemma Ribera Tomas Oriol Batlle Pages
Laura Mestres Torres Alba Suades Molins
Blai Gabaldon Ponsa David Alejandro Molina Bakhos
Juan Pablo Mantilla Carreño

Administration and services staff

Elisa Gutiérrez Moreno