Governing bodies



The deanery constitutes the management of the Faculty and is formed by the Dean, the vice deans and the Secretary. You can address any consultation relative to the organization and functioning of the Faculty to them. Appointments have to be set previously with the deanery’s Secretary.


Dean Oriol Pujol Vila
Academic Vice Dean Jorge Marzo Sánchez
Vice Dean for Students and Institutional Relations Oliver Díaz Montesdeoca
Vice Dean for Research Joana Cirici Núñez
Secretary Xavier Guitart Morales
Center’s administrator Eva Perelló Menasanch


Advisory Council

The Faculty elects an Advisory Council formed by teaching and research staff and professionals external to the University, to

The faculty is an Advisory Council made up of taching and research staff of the Faculty and external professionals of the University, to encourage the relationships between the academic activity and the professional, professional and educational world. You can check the features [Catalan] Reglament de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica (Article 22).

Board of the Faculty

Junta, Juan, Junta!


The Faculty’s board is formed by fifty members, distributed in the following way: 51% of professors from the teaching university groups, 9% of other reasearch and teaching staff, 30% of students, including from Doctorate and 10% of managment, administration and services. It is chaired by the Dean and the vice deans, the secretary, the directors of associated departments, heads of studies of the associated studies, the center’s administrator, and the secretary’s head also take part without vote, if they are not elected. The head of the Mathematics library can also attend.


You can look them up at the Regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Article 4)


Professors with a permanent association to the UB

Casacuberta Vergés, Carles Casanovas Ruiz-Fornells, Enrique
Cascante Canut, Carme Costa Farràs, Laura D’Andrea, Carlos Antonio
Fagella Rabionet, Núria Fontich Julià, Ernest
Guitart Morales, Xavier López Sánchez, Maite
Màrquez Carreras, David Marzo Sánchez, Jorge Miró Roig, Rosa Maria
Naranjo del Val, Joan Carles Ortega Cerdà, Joaquín Puertas Prats, Eloi
Puig Puig, Anna Pujol Vila, Oriol Rodríguez Santiago, Inmaculada
Ros Oton, Xavier Salamó Llorente, Maria Vitrià Marca, Jordi
(*) Travesa Grau, Arturo Petia Ivanova Radeva

(*) Given that the Dean is one of the 25 elected members, they take part as a member of the board as long as this circumstance holds (article 6 section 2 of the Regulations of the Faculty’s board)

Other research and teaching staff

Cirici Núñez, Joana Díaz Montesdeoca, Oliver

Administration and services staff

Díaz Carretero, Inocencia Morales Sáez, María Isabel
Navarro Martínez, Sergio Vázquez Bao, María Carmen


Homs Bastardas, Berta Arranz Sancho, Manuel Vives Muñoz, Ester
Martirena Mateo, Eduardo Fabian Areosa Vega, Maria Ines Rafart Medina, Claudia
Puig Creixell, Marc Blay Gomez, Joan Martinez Madrid, Rut
Carnice Rey, Arnau Rico Filba, Marc Bigorra Lorenzo, Victor-Xavier
Patiño Llavero, Miquel Angel Rivera Romeu, Javier Dermouh Dermouh, Yasmina

According to article 7.2 of the Regulations “the vice deans, the secretary, the directors of associated departments, heads of studies of the associated studies, the center’s administrator, and the secretary’s head also take part without vote, if they are not elected. The head of the Mathematics library can also attend.”.


Academic Comission


You can look up the functions of the Academic Comission at the article 28 of the Regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.


President (the dean or person delegated) Dr. Jordi Marzo
Secretary (the administrator of center or person delegated, with a voice without a vote) Mrs. Elisa Gutiérrez (Chief of the SED)
Secretary of the Faculty Dr. Xavier Guitart

Chief of Study in Mathematics

Coordinator  Matematics-ADE

Coordinator Mathematics-Physics

Dr. Jordi Pau
Chief of Study in Computer Science Dr. Sergio Escalera
Coordinator Mahematics-Computing Dr. Eloi Puertas
Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Mathematics Dr. Xavier Massaneda
Coordinator of the Master of Foundations of Data Science Dr. Jordi Vitrià
Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Data Science Dra. Petia Radeva
Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence Dr. Simone Balocco
Teacher representatives Dr. Ernest Fontich Dr. Àlex Haro
Dra. Mireia Ribera Dr. Santiago Zarzuela
Student representatives Mrs. Joana Pidelaserra Mr.Jordi Garriga
Mr. Marc Burillo Mr. Âlex Rodríguez

Library Comission


President (the dean or person delegated Dr. Oriol Pujol
Secretary(The administrator of the center or person delegated, with a voice whithout a vote) Mrs. Elisa Gutiérrez (Chief of the SED)
Teacher representatives Dr. Santiago Zarzuela Dr. Simone Balocco
IMUB representatives Dr. Carlos D’Andrea
Chief of Mathematics and Computing Library Mr. Jordi Tremosa
Student representatives Mrs. Dana Sánchez

Equality Comission


President Dr. Carlos D’Andrea
Teacher representatives

Dra. Anna Puig

Dra. Aina Ferrà

Dra. Joana Cirici

Dr. Luis Dieulefait

 PAS representative
Students representatives

Mrs. Marta Herranz

Mrs. Berta Homs

Mrs. Aina Nadal

Teaching Comission



President (the dean or Deputy Delegate) Dr. Oriol Pujol
Secretary (the administrator of the center or person delegated, with a voice without a vote) Mrs. Eva Perelló
Director of Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dra. Laura Costa
Teacher representatives
Dr. Ignasi Mundet Dr. José Manuel Corcuera Dra. Núria Fagella
Dr. Luis Dieulefait Dra. Carme Cascante Dr. Joan Gispert
Dr. Jordi Vitrià

Quality Comission


President (the dean or person delegated) Dr. Jordi Marzo
Dean Dr. Oriol Pujol
Secretary chief of the SED Mrs. Elisa Gutiérrez
Secretary of the Faculty Dr Xavier Guitart
Vice Dean for Students and Intitutional Relations Dr. Oliver Díez
Vice Dean for Research Dra. Joana Cirici
Chief of Mathematics Dr. Jordi Pau
Chief of Computer Science Dr. Sergio Escalera
Coordinator of the Master in Advanced Mathematics Dr. Xavier Massaneda
Coordinator of the Master in Fundamental Principles of Data Science Dr. Jordi Vitrià
Center Administrator Mrs. Rocio Molina
Teacher representatives Dr. Simone Balocco Dr. Simone Marchesi
Students representatives Mrs. Ana Rodríguez Martínez Mrs. Alba Sendon
External professional Mr. Ismael Colomina
Quality technician Mrs. Laura Colomer

Research and Doctorate Comission


President (the dean or person delegated) Dra. Joana Cirici
Coordinator of the PhD program in Mathematics and Computer Science Dr. Alejandro Haro
Teacher representatives Dr. Enrique Casanovas D. Ignasi Cos
Dra. Laura Costa Dra. Núria Fagella
Dr. Xavier Massaneda Dr. Ignasi Mundet
Director of the IMUB Dr. Xavier Jarque
Chief of the SED Mrs. Elisa Gutiérrez
Secretary (the center administrator of the person delegated, with a voice without a vote) Mrs. Isabel Morales