Tutorial action plan (TAP)

This Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) sets out a series of specific information, guidance and support functions that will be offered over the period of master’s degree study. It reflects the University of Barcelona’s specific commitment to offering effective tutorial support and its general aim to bring about constant quality improvements in academic activities.

The Plan aims to:

  • Smooth the transition from undergraduate study to the demands of the master’s degree program;
  • Ensure the availability of tailored support and advice as students progress through their chosen degree pathway;
  • Provide guidance at the end of the master’s degree on options for doctoral study and career opportunities.

The general coordinator of the master’s degree acts as the coordinator of the TAP, liaising with the staff responsible for each action and overseeing the monitoring and evaluation of the Plan.

The TAP sets out a series of actions across three phases: actions prior to enrollment, actions during the period of study, and actions in the final phase of the period of study. 

Actions prior to enrolment

  • Publication of up-to-date information on all aspects of the master’s degree program on the Faculty’s website: https://mat.ub.edu/sciencedata/
  • Active involvement in the Saló Future postgraduate studies fair, providing general information on master’s and postgraduate course offerings.
  • Distribution of an English-language leaflet on the master’s degree content.
  • Organization of an information session on the master’s degree, for graduates from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • Assignment of a tutor to all students admitted to the master’s degree. Tutors help students to select their optional subjects for the master’s degree, suggest possible topics for the final project, and provide general advice and guidance throughout the degree program.

Actions during the period of study

  • Presentation session for new students, on the general organization of the master’s degree and the range of academic and administrative services offered by the Faculty (library, dedicated computer room for master’s students, secretary’s office, information point, lecture rooms, department offices, etc.).
  • Personal monitoring of each student.
  • Organization of masterclasses and datatons in collaboration with companies working in the filed of data science.
  • Distribution of information on job offers, grants and scholarships.

After the period of study, students can voluntary enroll to an online community, AlumniDataScience@UB, to maintain the ties between alumni and to grow their network of contacts. AlumniDataScience@UB organizes a networking event every year.