
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the UB offers two degrees, three double degrees, three masters, and is involved in the doctoral programs in Mathematics and Engineering

Degrees of the Facultat

The two degrees that are offered in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science:

Itineraries of simultaneous studies

At the University of Barcelona we have planned some itineraries that will allow you to study Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics or Mathematics and ADE in five years plus the final year project (18 credits) simultaneously. To do this, you must complete a total of 318 credits and study subjects of both degrees. If you want more information about this option, you can check it at:

Own masters and postgraduates

For university graduates.

PhD programs

The goal of the doctorate programs is advanced training in one of their research lines for the preparation of a doctoral thesis which leads to the title of Doctor for the University of Barcelona in each program.