Admission / Access


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Enrolment in the doctoral program may be possible after 2 procedures: Admission and Access.




CURS 2024-2025

First period to apply for admission to the program:  From May 6, 2024 to 14 June 2024 (calendar)


To obtain admission, the Academic Committee of the Program will assess the PhD candidate’s application to ensure sufficient preparation to successfully complete a PhD thesis in one of the research programs.

If the student is admitted, the Commission will assign the candidate one or more thesis advisors and a tutor.

The application for access and admission will be formalized through an online webform at the dates determined by the program’s calendar. The following documentation has to be submitted:
  • Bachelor’s and master’s degrees that give access to the program
  • Academic record (Bachelor and master) which include the subjects studied and the corresponding scores (not necessary in cas of UB students).
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Official certification of language proficiency in English or in one of the UB’s official languages
  • Brief statement indicating the candidate’s reasons for applying to the doctoral programme and expectations of the experience (approximately one page)
  • Research plan indicating the full-time or part-time dedication.
  • Proposal of director/s of the thesis SIGNED BY THEM, at least one of them  should be linked to the research line. All the co-directors must hold a doctorate degree and accredited research experience.  Exceptionally,  external co-directors may be proposed . The Commission shall ensure for any external directors or co-directors to meet the quality requirements necessary to be the advisors of a PhD dissertation.

IMPORTANT: Students who have studied abroad will have to submit the documents translated into any of the program languages (Catalan, Spanish or English) – translation requirements

The Academic Committee of the Program studies the documentation submitted. The resolution will be notified to the student by e-mail.



Once the candidates have been admitted, they will have to access again the online webform to register the access application (an email with further instructions will be sent to help with the process). In case of foreign students, they will have to pay the corresponding tuition (218.15 € for the academic year 2020-2021).

In case of the official certifications, or degrees are from outside EU, the legalization will also be required to obtain access to the program – requirements of the legalizations

more information here



After the admission and access procedures have been completed,  students must sign an commitment agreement  with their director or co-directors and tutor according to the model established by the University of Barcelona, establishing the full-time, or part-time, dedication and the duties of the director or co-directors. This document will be submitted during the first enrollment period and will be part of the student’s record.

Admitted students who have not yet defended their thesis will have to formalize a yearly enrolment for the academic tutelage of their thesis in the periods set by the University of Barcelona. The corresponding fee, conditions, and procedures are determined by the economic and academic regulations of the University.

For the purposes of academic tutoring, students admitted in the research period of the program are administratively linked to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

more information here


Printable version (Catalan)


In general, it is required, for access to an official doctoral program, to be in possession of an official Spanish degree, or equivalent, and a master’s degree and being in possession of a minimum of 300 ECTS credits between the degree and master.

Also, those found in any of these cases can access:

(updated information with the new regulations coming into force in the academic year 2024-2025)

  1. Being in possession of an official Spanish university degree, or or equivalent Spanish degrees, provided that they have passed at least 300 ECTS credits in these courses  and accrediting a level 3 of the Spanish Higher Education Qualifications Framework.
  2. Being in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without without official approval, which accredits a level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework, provided that it empowers the issuing country for access to doctoral studies. This admission does not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than that of access to doctoral studies.
  3. Being in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign education systems outside the EHEA, without without official approval, after verification by the University of Barcelona that it  certifies a level equivalent to that of the official Spanish Masters and empowers the issuing country for access to doctoral studies. This admission does not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.
  4. Hold another doctoral degree.
  5. Graduates who, after obtaining a place in training in the corresponding test access to specialized health training sites, have completed at least two years with a positive evaluation of a training program to obtain some official specialty in health sciences.
  6. Graduates, architects or engineers who were in possession of the diploma of advanced studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30, or who had achieved the  research sufficiency regulated in Royal Decree 185/1985, of January 23.

More Information about the requiriments since academic year 2024-2025- summary table


Documents must be uploaded to the online application for access and admission.

Once the candidates have been admitted, they will have to access again the online webform to register the access application (an email with further instructions will be sent to help with the process). In case of students who have studied abroad, they will have to pay the corresponding tuition specified in the Prices Decree of the Government of Catalonia for each academic year (218.15 € for the academic year 2020-2021).

To obtain definitive access, candidates have to provide to the Secretary’s Office the orignials or certified copy of the next documents:

Documentation to be provided in the case of students with a Spanish  degrees:

  •  DNI, passport or EU Community ID.
  •  Degree certificate and Academic records of the Bachelor’s degree, certification course, technical engineer, engineer, architect or technical architect.
  • Master’s official qualification (only in the case of having a master’s degree) and academic records of the master studies attained.
  • Only in case f): Academic certificate of the doctoral program that includes the date of obtaining the research sufficiency.
  • Only in case d): Doctor’s degree.
  • Only in case a): Accreditation of Meces 3.

Documentation to be provided in the case of students with foreign  degrees:

(application for access and admission – foreign)

  • ID card, passport or EU Community.
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate.
  • Academic certification for the degree studies, which specifies their duration in academic courses and the list of subjects studied, providing the class load and the corresponding score (indicating the rating system)
  • Master’s degree certificate.
  • Academic certification for the master studies, which specifies their duration in academic courses and the list of subjects studied, providing the class load and the corresponding score (indicating the rating system)

IMPORTANT: Students who have studied abroad will have to submit the documents translated into any of the program languages (Catalan, Spanish or English) – translation requirements. In case of the official certifications, or degrees are from outside EU, the legalization will also be required to obtain access to the program – requirements of the legalizations


Printable Version (Catalan)