Acceptation/Modification of the Research plan

In the academic year in which admission the program has been formalized (registration for the academic tutelage), the student must prepare and submit a research plan, written in any of the languages of the program, which, at least, includes the objectives that they seek, the methods employed, the means, and timing.

The Academic Commission of the program shall issue a resolution to the request for acceptance of the research plan before the end of the academic year.

The result of the evaluation shall be appropriately motivated and has to be notified to the candidate by e-mail.

Positive evaluation is an essential requirement for continuing in the program.

A negative assessment means that the student must develop a new research plan, to be submitted to the Academic Committee within a maximum of six months, counting from the communication of negative evaluation. If the Academic Commission does not accept the new research plan, the candidate will have to leave the doctorate program definitively.


The deadline for the submission of applications for acceptance of the Research plan is specified on the doctoral procedure calendar.

Documentation for submitting:

The online form for submitting will be in the  Electronic Office

Research supervision and research student guide