Transfer of record

According to the article 3 of the Royal Decree 412/2014, at June the 6th, through which is established the basic regulations of the admission procedures at university degree studies, the students that have studied parcial university studies, either foreign or Spanish or that, having finished the foreign studies they have not obtained their homologation and are recognized 30 credits at the degree studies, can apply for access to the Center.

You can apply for admission through this method if:

  • You have official parcial university studies at UB and want to change your career.
  • You have official parcial university studies at other universities and want to start a degree at UB.
  • Students with total foreign university studies as long as they have not obtained the homologation credential of their degree or the certificate of equivalence at the official university academic level in Spain.


Steps to follow:

 1. You have to request the credit recognition.You  have to fill the form for credit recognition . If  You have problems, please, contact

  • Application  deadline:  1th July last day
  • Information about documentation and form: HERE

2. You  have to request the admission to the degree. You have to fill the form for admission to the degree with studies started . You have to upload the resolution of minimun 30 recognized credits  that you will recieve when you have completed the first step. In case of any incident, contact If you have not registered in the Persons Registry, you have to register.

  • Application admission date: from June 1 to July 13
  • Requirements: Having at least 30 recognized credits
  • Documentation:
    • copy of DNI /NIE/ Passport
    • Selectivity note
    • Resolution of credits recognition (more than 30 recognized credits)
  • Admission criteria: Number of credits and average grade of credits recognized. Reference rules (in catalan)


Available places for 2024-2025 (approved by the academic committee of the Faculty on March 20th 2024)

Degree in Mathematics: 5 places.

Degree in Computer Science: 2 places.

The resolution will be notified electronically

Enrollment of admitted people:  Computes Science :September  (DEGREE AND ACCESO DIRECTO)


  • People who already have an official Spanish university qualification must apply for a place in the teaching they wish to attend through university pre-enrollment.
  • Students with less recognized credits than those needed will have to apply for a place through university pre-registration.
  • The fact of having recognized the necessary credits does not grant right in place.
  • In any case, it is recommended that interested students also apply for admission through university pre-registration.

For any information or management regarding the university pre-registration, you must address to:

Oficina d’Orientació per a l’Accés a la Universitat
Via Laietana, 2
08003 Barcelona
Tel. 93 223 03 23 / 93 223 25 91
Fax 93 552 71 20