Extraordinary awards

Màster en Matemàtica Avançada

Màster en Fonaments de la Ciència de Dades

According to the regulation approved by the Academic Comission for Government Counseling at June the 8th 2011, and by the Government Council at July the 19th 2011, every academic year, for each official master’s studies imparted by the University of Barcelona, there will be granted extraordinary awards.

The students who finish the studies the previous year when the award is granted with an average grade equal or greater than 9.0, worked out according to the current regulation for that year, opt to the award. The total number of extraordinary awards that can be given is of one for every 15 students or fraction of 15 who opt, according to the previously established criteria.

Call 2023-2024


If you fit the requisites, you can hand in the following form at the secretary’s office of the Faculty  (generic instance) until January 15th 2025

The award committee will propose the winners and, during the month of June, the Governing Council of the University approves the award proposals of each center and communicates directly to the interested parties the date on which the diplomas are handed out.

You can find more information in the link below: