Evaluation criteria

The student, upon finishing his TFG, will have to deliver the report at the virtual campus, as well as the source code of the work done. The tribunal will be in charge of evaluating the work done by the student.

The evaluation criteria are defined in the rubric in the files attached next. They both have the same content:

  • Rubric in LibreOffice format (.ods), ODS file (Catalan)
  • Rubric in Excel format (.xls),  XLS file (Catalan)

The file contains three spreadsheets:

  1. The first sheet, called tutor, evaluates the work of the student during the elaboration of the TFG.
  2. The second sheet, called report, evaluates the report delivered by the student.
  3. The third sheet, called presentation, evaluates the oral presentation done by the student.

The tutor of the TFG is who has to fill the first sheet of the rubric, while the second and third ones are filled by the tribunal in charge of evaluating the TFG.

About the distinction

The day of the presentation, the president of the tribunal will communicate the numerical score of your project. In case the score is an Excellent (more than 9), the tribunal can also decide that you opt for distinction. You have to take into account that a tribunal cannot directly grant it for legal reasons. By law, only one distinction for every 20 students is allowed, including in the TFG “course”. For this reason, in case the tribunal decides that you opt for distinction, the tribunal will only tell you that you “opt for distinction”. Once all presentations are finished, in a meeting, the decision of which students (amongst all candidates) are granted with the honor’s distinction, according to the legal criteria.